CIM829 London Fog

CAD $43.05 CAD $36.59

Priced per pound. Minimum purchase is 1/4 lb. Please purchase in .25 increments.


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Creation is Messy – London Fog – 829 –  A misty opal white – same hue as Unicorn. 104 glass. Compatible with all other 104 glasses.

View all sample beads and working notes here:

“London Fog is the misty opal version of Unicorn. It’s more transparent and has that really beautiful opalescent colour flash thing when the sunlight hits it. I encountered no shockiness, bubbling or pitting, but I found it is quite soft so don’t get working it too hot. The heart bead kept losing its shape as I was working on it but the glass stood up to repeated heating, cooling and shaping really well. Very pretty glass!” Read more at Laura’s blog.

– Laura Sparling

“I have encased these with London Fog, while still translucent, to me it looks far better than encasing with clear. London Fog gives a gentle filter and the result is a much softer effect!”

– Trudi Doherty


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